She has white hair as her name suggests, though popularized as grey. Haku's design is drastically different from Hatsune Miku. In Japanese, ぼやく ( boyaku) means grouchy or to grumble and complain, thus VOYAKILOID is a combination of boyaku and vocaloid, giving ボヤキロイド ( boyakiroido). She is referred to as a "VOYAKILOID", a term for derivatives representing failure. Her white hair is based on her given name as well, which has the same pronunciation as the word for white (白/ haku). Her first and last name make a play on words "yowane-(wo)-haku" (弱音(を)吐く), meaning to say negative thoughts or to show white feather. Her name is taken from Yowane, meaning negative sayings/thoughts and Haku, roughly translated as utter. However, whatever songs that come out in her name are subject to the interpretation of the producer, whether they follow Haku's depiction of failure or not. This in particular is also aimed at the Haku songs that end up sounding "good" as Haku was meant to be far from this ideal. There are a small number of fans who disapprove of such songs because it can be considered a contradiction to the point of Haku's existence being based on failure. When speaking about songs and PVs that feature Haku singing, it has been pointed out by some fans that if one succeeds at producing a "bad" song, then no failure was met in the process.

These were later also switched to the Miku Appends as some such as Miku Append Dark produced the desired results much easier or a manipulation of MEIKO's voicebank. Some fans have tried to give her an actual voice using Miku's voice and manipulating it to sound depressed, through methods like down pitching her. Haku became popular and her creator Caffein later established other characters following the same procedures, each representing a different aspect of failure within the Vocaloids. In such cases, the makers of such music would then proceed to whine about how their work never received attention and later moved on to whine when criticism stated their work was dull and boring, or was posted quite late when few people were on Nico Nico Douga.

Haku was originally made as a representation of songs that use Hatsune Miku but ended up sounding awful.